来源: | 作者:客服部 | 发布时间: 2018-06-16 | 2914 次浏览 | 分享到:

    Although the ATS engine intelligent cooling system has the advantages of flexible installation location, modular structure, and convenient after-sales maintenance, it still needs regular maintenance, otherwise the ATS system will have problems, which will affect the use of the vehicle.

    Most areas of my country are in a temperate monsoon climate, with four distinct seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. The climate in spring is characterized by dryness with little rain; windy and sandy weather. Especially in the northern regions, this kind of weather feature is more obvious. Therefore, vehicles on the road, especially some routes with poor road conditions, such as road repair areas, construction sites, urban and rural routes, etc., the cooling system will be exposed to more sediment, leaves, flying flies, etc. Sundries can easily cause failures of the water tank and electronic cooling fan, which in turn affects the heat dissipation effect of the ATS. Therefore, the maintenance of the intelligent cooling system of the ATS engine should be strengthened in the spring.

1. Main points of maintenance of intelligent cooling system of ATS engine in spring

    1. Clean the water tank radiator

    It is windy in spring, and impurities such as mud, sand and dead leaves are very likely to accumulate in the radiator inlet grille, the surface of the radiator, etc., which affects the efficiency and effectiveness of heat dissipation. Therefore, during maintenance, you must regularly clean the inlet grille, the radiator protective net (exclusive to the suction ATS system), and the radiator surface where debris is easy to accumulate. The frequency of line maintenance for poor road conditions should be increased.

    Into the style grid: you can use a brush or a water gun to clean.

    Radiator protection net: In the suction type ATS system, in order to prevent the radiator from being blocked, a protection net is installed on the windward side of the radiator to intercept stones, dead leaves and other sundries. It can be disassembled and used with external soft objects before cleaning. Pat, then clean with a water gun. At the same time, pay attention to clear the gap between the radiator and the inlet grille, where there will also be sediment accumulation.

    Radiator: The water tank radiator cleaning we are talking about here refers to the outside, not the cleaning of the internal chips of the radiator. When cleaning the water tank, you must pay attention to the fact that the catkins will stick to the radiator fins when they meet with water, making it more difficult to clean (then the water tank can only be removed and cleaned with high-pressure gas from the inside to the outside). Therefore, you must first use a brush to clean up the catkins and other obvious debris, and then use a spray water gun to clean up the sand and dust. When using the high-pressure water gun, be careful not to tilt it to avoid blowing down the radiating fins.

    2. Cleaning the electronic cooling fan

    When the electronic fan is running, it is easy to bring mud and sand to the fuselage. For example, the fan blades adhere to the mud and the fan shaft is mixed with mud and sand. These will affect the dynamic balance of the fan, which will cause the fan blades to wear and the fan motor to burn out. Such failures will eventually lead to failure of the cooling system. Therefore, on the basis of the aforementioned water tank cleaning work, the fan debris should be cleaned up.

    Cleaning methods and matters needing attention:

    Use an air gun to focus on cleaning the area where the fan blade and the bearing are connected, blowing in both directions.

    In addition to the maintenance of the above-mentioned water tank and fan, regular addition of qualified coolant, inspection of wiring, and mechanical connection are all due to maintenance and cannot be ignored.

    2. Suggestions on the maintenance cycle of the ATS engine intelligent cooling system

    From the after-sales service engineer of Mingguan Electric, it is understood that under normal circumstances, the ATS system can be cleaned regularly on a weekly basis. For some lines under severe working conditions, it is best for vehicles to be cleaned by ATS twice a week. For example, in Northwest China, the cleanup cycle is definitely much shorter than that in South China. In the same place, the maintenance interval in spring is shorter than in summer. Of course, the final maintenance cycle depends on the actual local application conditions and cannot be generalized.